Songwriting Classes and Music Lessons in Milton, Massachusetts

The greatest thing happened last Wednesday.

I’ve been looking for a way to plug into my new community here in Milton, Massachusetts. My kids are loving their schools, and my husband is enjoying being an Assistant Professor at UMass Boston ( This is a lovely town, and we’ve been wanting to put down some roots here. I loved teaching songwriting and building creative communities while living in Switzerland, so I wondered if there might be a market for something like that here in New England. So, on Wednesday morning, I posted a question on Milton Neighbors, a local community group on Facebook:

“Hello, Neighbors!” I said. “I’m looking for some advice…” I told everyone that I went to Belmont University School of Music, that I wrote songs in Nashville, that I was signed to BMG Music Publishing, that I love to teach songwriting and commercial voice, too. I asked if they thought there might be any interest in such a thing here in our town.

Well, this place is truly amazing, for in just a few hours, there were loads of comments from parents wanting lessons and classes for their creative kids, and more folks wanting lessons and classes for their creative selves.  I am so excited…in just a few days, neighbors, we are doing this!

If you’re in the Milton area and you’re interested in a class, email me here.  Tell me about yourself, or your child, and what classes/private lessons interest you: Silly Songwriting for Kids, Songwriting like Taylor Swift, How to Write Top 40 Songs, Developing Your Own Musical Style, Pop Vocal Styles…these are some of the private lessons and classes.  Feel free to suggest your own ideas.  This is going to be great!

New England Fall

The old maple trees hold bright red leaves at the ends of their branches, like an elegant grandmother extending her arms and holding beautiful gifts.  She will soon give the gifts.  They will fall to the ground and we will rake them into piles and jump into them, throwing them in the air.  We will spend the afternoon rolling around in them, letting them get stuck in our hair and on our clothes.  This New England Fall is glorious.

Do I sound captivated?  Perhaps it’s because I am.  Our new New England town on the outskirts of big-city Boston offers delightful diversions I’ve dreamed of since childhood…

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We are moving to….

Hello, friends!  Just when you think this family is settled in Boulder, Colorado, shopping at Whole Foods and well on the way to becoming proper hippies, here comes another bend in the road.  My brilliant husband will soon be an Assistant Professor of Biology at University of Massachusetts Boston.  That’s right, Uhaul.  I’m calling you again.  Fenway and homemade Lob-stah ravioli…here I come.

Thanks for your support as we begin our new life in New England!

Why this 8th grader loves Jay Leno

Jay Leno says farewellJay Leno is a genuinely nice guy.  I know this for a fact.

When I was in the 8th grade, my class took a field trip to Washington D.C.  While we waited outside the White House (back when when your 8th grade class could get a tour of the White House), someone shouted “Hey, there’s the Dorito Dude!”  Sure enough, there he was – Jay Leno.

“Dorito Dude! Dorito Dute!” we chanted. (Remember those commercials?)  Hearing us, he pivoted and did his little Dorito’s dance. “Crunch all you want, we’ll make more!” he joked, and came over to sign autographs.

I was taking pictures like crazy, so many that he looked right at me and said, “Hey, you’re taking too many pictures of me! I should take some of you.” With that he grabbed my Minolta and

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© Copyright Audrey Woodhams